Case Study

Gaggle Supports Raymond J. Fisher Middle School's 1:1 Initiative


Monitoring Online Activity for Concerning Behavior

The Challenge:

As a part of the Los Gatos Union School District in California, Raymond J. Fisher Middle School launched a 1:1 digital initiate to build a personalized, digital learning environment to boost academic achievement and prepare students for their future.

The middle school needed a technology platform that would monitor bullying, self-harm, and other inappropriate behaviors and situations in real-time—not after the fact. 

A circular maze with a lightbulb in the middle of it.

Real-time Activity Reporting

The Solution:

The district adopted Gaggle to enhance student safety and ensure their well-being online. In addition, Gaggle provides real-time activity reporting across all middle school students that each have take-home Chromebooks.

A yellow lightbulb that has been turned on.

The Cornerstone of Good Digital Citizenship

The Results:

While some administrators will assume a student safety management platform will put more work on their plates, an admin at the school noted the opposite is true.

In fact, he commented that Gaggle has helped his school streamline the process, narrow things down quickly, and then have good and open conversations with students about what’s going on.

Having a student safety management platform in place also allows Raymond J. Fisher Middle School’s teachers and administrators to educate students on the cornerstones of good digital citizenship.

Case Study - Raymond J. Fisher Middle School
“We tell them that we’re not here to discipline them, but that we’re here to help educate them on how to appropriately address situations in Google Classroom.”

Other Case Studies

Going from solely reviewing email to monitoring the full Google Suite, Denver Public Schools was able to create a comprehensive safety system, protecting more students and saving more lives.
At the recommendation of the district’s superintendent, Vancouver Public Schools implemented Gaggle to help keep students safe when they use district-provided devices. Students, teachers, and administrators now have a centralized platform that they can rely on to monitor the use of technology and bring attention to serious issues.
The Ramsey Public School District is a comprehensive district that serves students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. After conducting a thorough review and exploration of other providers and services, the school district ultimately chose Gaggle Therapy and Coaching to support its students’ growing mental health needs.