It Takes a Village:
A Gaggle Podcast

Student safety isn’t a one-person job. Between district leaders, educators, administrators, parents, counselors, and beyond, it truly takes a village to safeguard students in both physical and digital environments.

Student Mental Health

A Mother’s Story: Depression, Loss, and Hope

Wendy Sefcik, founder of, shares her family’s emotional journey dealing with the unimaginable grief from their son’s tragic loss of life by suicide. Now on a mission to raise awareness of teen depression and suicide risk, Wendy provides support and guidance for concerned parents and suffering teens.

Student Safety

Triaging Innovation During a Pandemic

Gaggle’s Vice President of Marketing, Paget Hetherington, speaks with Paul Zimmerman, Blaine County School District’s Technology Innovator and Google Administrator, on the steps he took to make sure that student safety monitoring did not skip a beat when everyone transitioned to remote learning during the pandemic.