Case Study

Cajon Valley USD: Enhancing Student Safety with Gaggle


Rolling out a 1:1 Chromebook Program

The Challenge:

Covering an area of more than 60 square miles in San Diego’s East County, Cajon Valley Union School District serves more than 17,000 students from pre-K to eighth grade across 27 schools. After rolling out a 1:1 Chromebook program across grades K-8, the district needed to ensure that students would be protected online.

At first, administrators were manually monitoring students’ online communications. “We did use Harpara Teacher Dashboard at that time so teachers could have a glimpse of what emails were coming back and forth, plus the ability to see their Drive contents,” said Jonathon Guertin, Chief Technology Officer for Cajon Valley USD. “But as far as automatically scanning emails, it was very limited.”

A circular maze with a lightbulb in the middle of it.

Implementing a Proactive Student Safety Platform

The Solution:

Guertin and his team felt more needed to be done in terms of student online safety. “When kids are connected to technology 24/7, they’re connected to their peers 24/7. That’s a lot of pressure to put on young students who are just learning about themselves, life, and the world,” he said. “You can’t put adult tools in the hands of students and not provide some kind of guidance and communication."

The district has since adopted the Gaggle student safety platform to scan emails and documents. 

A yellow lightbulb that has been turned on.

Uncovering Cries for Help

The Results:

Educators were startled at some of the behaviors that monitoring revealed across the district’s 27 schools. Very often, administrators didn’t even know something was happening until they received an alert.

While elementary students were on Gaggle, their behavior tended to require minor interventions. However, students in the six middle schools presented a lot of challenges, including bullying, self-harm, and thoughts of suicide.

Gaggle has helped Cajon Valley USD save a student’s life every year since its implementation.

CASE STUDY - Cajon Valley Union School District
“Gaggle’s the one tech tool in budget meetings that the principals are always fighting for.”

Other Case Studies

This Texas district initially implemented 1:1 Chromebooks without having a formal system in place to monitor students’ mental health issues. The district then revamped its culture with new supports to promote student mental health and well-being, including the Gaggle student safety platform.
With the COVID-19 shelter-at-home orders in place, Fillmore Unified School District in California took action to ensure student safety during remote learning.
This California district chose Gaggle’s deep insight and analytics to monitor its 10,000 students across eight schools. Instead of punishing students for inappropriate online activity, administrators build trust and have one-on-one conversations with students to solve problems and promote better behaviors.