Safety Management Categories: Drugs & Alcohol
This is the fifth post in a Gaggle Speaks series on our Safety Management categories. In this post, we discuss our Drugs & Alcohol category.
This is the fifth post in a Gaggle Speaks series on our Safety Management categories. In this post, we discuss our Drugs & Alcohol category.
For years, school boards have worked to put learning devices into the hands of students, whether through carts, one-to-one or BYOD initiatives. By put...
Some school districts still are just starting to give their students access to email, but have relied on a different system for staff email for a long...
It starts with communication. You know, suggesting to parents that they talk with their children.
The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires the adoption and enforcement of an Internet Safety Policy. In conversations with schools and di...
K-12 data security, data privacy and student online safety have all become familiar topics for schools and districts. The meanings of these terms are ...
This is the fourth post in a Gaggle Speaks series on our Safety Management categories. In this post, we discuss our Suicide & Self-Harm category.
Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) is defined as “the process through which children and adults apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary...
Which online learning environment is superior, G Suite for Education or Office 365?
Some new Google Vault features likely caught the eye of K-12 technology directors and email administrators.
Easy email reminders who count on the weekly recap.
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